
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Peep Peep Peep Peep

Yesterday, I officially lost my mind and went out and bought chickens!!
The correct chicken language would say: "Out yonder, thar, in 'Cific, I found me some doozy Pulletts." Pulletts, meaning of course, that they will grow up to be laying hens, but I'm sure you all knew that, because I know you are smarter than me, and do not bring chickens home to keep on your dining room table!

Out yonder in 'Cific I did meet an interesting man, who did truly think I had lost my mind. Actually his words were "What's a gal in Glendale buying chicks for?" He took a very good amount of time teaching me the ways of the chickens. Most importantly how to separate out a Straight Run (it means how to tell the hens from the roosters, in case you had forgotten).

The peace these little chicks have brought to my children has been awesome. Constantly, they are watching them, and learning about them. They even came up with some very clever and weird names. Mr. Stinky named the Black Sex Link "Wyde Twik", Ms. Bellie named one of the New Hampshire reds "Dawn", the other NH red is "little Miss Cluck" and Mr. Mischief named the Production Red "Tweet Tweet". Truly, they are in awe of them.

The mom in me did have to explain that baby chicks are very hard to keep alive, and they could possibly die. The kiddos understood that (please dear Lord, don't take our chicks!), I think. I also had to explain that when the chicks "grow up" and stop laying eggs that we will eat them. To this Mr. Stinky says "Well, they should taste like sugar because they are really sweet!" When my eyes stopped watering from laughing so hard, my heart melted. It will be interesting to see if the kiddos think they are this sweet at the end of the summer when they have to gather eggs and the hens peck them!

For the meantime, we are enjoying our new members of the family and praying (that they don't die, the dog does not eat them, they aren't loved to death, you know all those prayers about chickens I'm sure because all of you are very smart!)


Anonymous said...

Awwwwww!!!!!!! They're so cute! What fun for the kiddos!!! Happy Easter!
Love, Aunt Julie

Anonymous said...

i think i might want some of my own, for my room!
they are so cute!!!!!